
It's Winter

This evening I looked out the patio door and noticed our HUGE (like, over six feet long) icicles shining in the sunset. I had been meaning to photograph them, and this seemed the perfect opportunity. I threw on my boots and grabbed by camera.

The ripples in this one are incredible. Like the rings in a tree.

I'm so happy I could capture this. It's so stunning.

Well, with Christmas under a week away, it's been a bit of a scramble, but my "work in progress" bin is empty, by Christmas gift list is nearly all scratched off, and the cookies are baked and ready to be packaged. Whew!


New Photos

Lots of handmade gifts for Christmas this year---very busy!

I am obsessed with pinecones. I have this platter of them in the living room, a tall glass vase filled with them in the bedroom and another platter in the guest room. So festive and pretty!

my favorite mug


I bought two tins of these cookies on Friday. One is completely gone and we've started on the second.


Holiday Craft Project

While browsing through the latest issue of Sunset magazine, a fun holiday card craft project caught my eye. Their version was a simple, modern Christmas tree design, but I thought I could make mine a little more interesting, yet still be minimal and modern.


Start by using a hole punch to punch notches on the sides of blank notecards. Try diagonals or sets of horizontals.

Chose one or two colors of embroydery floss. I also used fine silver string to give a little sparkle.

Tie the floss around to the back of the card, letting it a little slack so the card is not warped. Wind the floss around into the notches as many times as you wish, changing colors if you'd like.

It's as easy as that, and I think they look really neat.
